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Friday, February 08, 2008

holy shit did i see right..??
she's posting something..!! OMFG NEWS FLASH!!!!

yeah, uhh...Busy right now doing final year project (that's due next week) and after that, i'll get a new blogskin for once in 10 years and just redo everything...boo. i neglected this blog for too friggin long T__T

Come to my Diploma Show..!! :DDDD

ojy | on Cloud 9 at 3:46 PM

Friday, June 29, 2007


susumu is my ninja voodoo dollie that hangs from my usagi bag. sniffles. this must be punishment for not treating him right... But he's so quiet and all..so it seems even sadder =( At least he's street smart...i keep thinking maybe he'll find his own way home, back tooo meeeee~~

i hope you're well, susumu.... I'll treat you better next time, i PROMISE!! D':

Ohzz...today, another pep talk. I have nothing against our animation lects really...they totally wanna help us...like, sincerely. Unlike some people....just there to kick us when we're down... Bastards.

Anyways, I'm too tired to think right now. Had maybe at most 1 hr of sleep last night...it's getting stupid, really. The only motivation I've got is the ff7 postcard and mousepad that have the Squeenix people's signatures. (see my deviantart journal for all the info, if i dont update it, that is)

These people have worked much harder to get to where they are... I can't be complaining all the time. I mean, they must have worked their asses off to be able to gain such success. i wanna be like them =) So strong..so hardworking, uncomplaining, a little emo, but never voice it OUT LOUD.

Haa..i say all these things, but doing them is another issue X___X

Ok my jay chou cd is gonna finish playing soon, i wanna end this fast so i can sleep.

Ahhh, anyhoo, I duno what to say abt today. I'm thoroughly pissed. A bit. I was extra extra pissed and SICK OF THE SHIT in the morning, but im slightly ok now. It didn't have anything to do with the pep talk. i know the drill.

not good enough for industry.
why dont we practise our skills in our free time.
even with BLOCK TEACHING it's still the same content.
we will slack in either system.
animation students are totally forgotten.
i fucking hate video.

Ok, so maybe im a little annoyed at that too. But not as much as some other thing.

hah, i hate taking the blame when clearly im not at fault. Don't expect so much from me like im a servant or something, i cant be there 24/7 answering my PHONE in the middle of a serious lect's talk. No one can. That's why nooo oonneee ddiiiiidddd....

Whatever. hahaa, my fav phrase of the year =___=...I used to hate it, but everyone's using it to hurt others, so why should i fucking care. I shd just say 'whatever' to everything and everyone. after all, a lot of people i know are insensitive. i shdnt be the one who will care and take every bullet from them.

yea, damn tired now.
Gonna watch deathnote sooooonnnn~!! =DD omg last episode. its just sitting in my hard drive...not doin nth. But i need to sleep first before i get any angrier =____=;;

har har, good nitey my dear frrriieennndddsssss.

ojy | on Cloud 9 at 5:47 PM

Sunday, June 03, 2007

they say they have their god, the one whom they can spill all their problems to, the one who gives his shoulder to cry on, the one who loves them.

i'm no god, but i'm a friend.

I can do all these things too, right..? What's there not to understand? im human too, i feel the same things you do.

once again, i'm baffled by this thing called 'religion'.

ojy | on Cloud 9 at 2:55 AM

Friday, May 04, 2007

ahh, the only reason i'm here now is to vent a bit. my friends say they come here and all they get is a crummy post from 10 months ago or something, so this is just a lil update on my horrific life. Enjoy.

I'm....thoroughly stressed X___X You think you can understand, you think you can relate, but you're WRONG people!! DD: Unless you come from the same course as me (shhh im not givin out info like that when those SPY DOGS are out sniffing our every move).

Lesseeee......in this month alone, I have..

-2D Advanced animation: one calvin & hobbes animation, 3 very small animes, and uh my lect has forced entasked me to do a small opening for the C&H animation because he's out to murder me like the rest of them i know it that the class will use. (omg i just gave out my course, ahaa) The class is gonna use this....it's not that big a deal, but that puts an idiot like me under alot of stress. We did the filming part today...quite fun, but now im missing 3 firewires and i hope some responsible soul has helped me return them >__<;; *yea im irresponsible so just shoot me already!!*

-extra 3D animation classes weekly: I have no idea why i agreed. hahaaa....ok, so it's not that bad, but i didnt expect this Block to be so painful. Yada yayaa here i go complaining again, I know someone won't like it but ive got the farking right to spit my shit to the worrrllldddd.

-Unknown CDI Project: lect says, we'll have a CDI grp meeting sometime this week. Friends and I: wait for 2 weeks....nothing happens, of course, what were we expecting eh? still pending, but knowin my lect, we're definitely in and he'll make sure we complete it. Shit, this will take up A HELL LOT OF TIME when it starts =__=

- Character Design. Now.....WHERE SHOULD I START......

.....first off, I shall be blunt, narrow-minded, and childish: I HATE THAT LECT. People, we all know who that is cos i bitch about him all day. When his name is mentioned, I go into a bitching spree, sry for having to put up with that~ ^^; LOL.

...well, it's not like I haven't tried understanding the shit he says. I HAVE tried, since last last Block when I suffered such a miserable blow. I was probably too rash...and got pissed with him all too fast (that fathaF*CKER i had every right, too), but now I know...it's not the things he says about our art...it's HOW HE SAYS IT. He demeans the class, and brags like crazy, and his works are farking fugly but im so nice i dont say it in his face, see?

just the other day he was telling the deadpan class..."your drawing skills ah...so WEAK!!" "Your lines are not strong enough" "Use geometric shapes and doodling, dont THINK"....WTFFF..???

maybe some bastards in class understand the shit he says, but whatever, man. He loves contridicting himself. I dont even wanna understand him sometimes. It has taken me alot of ego-bashing to say this but, i learnt stuff from what he said. Wish he couldve said it in a better tone. Gaahh, what a narrow-minded lecturer.....he's so subjective, he even implied it in class today. Ahh, what a fathaf*cking bitch.

Well, enough of that. I've been wanting to spill that for quite some time =D

My day starts from 9am (wake up at 7, shit) and ends at 6pm (reach home 7+, unless we have the 3D night classes, swell). All in all, a very tiring day in school, seated in front of the SAME lightbox for MORE THAN 6 HOURS. Don't even try to comprehend the situation we have here. It's too painful, you'll get nightmares.

Ahh, btw. The school seems to be spending a HELL LOT on HD equipment. Hm. Too much money to spare..?? Then why not take a damn look at the 2D animation studio for starters, instead of glorifying this OVERRATED SHIT CALLED HIGH-DEFINITION. The lightboxes are screwy. The comps are laggy and not up to date. We dont even have ENOUGH of these malfunctioning equipments.

Thanks, now we know we're not poor, just selective.

Haa, it's not like im blaming the equipment for poor works. DONT get me wrong lah. im pissed enough already. No one is on our side. Today proved it.

Pep talks are increasing, too. What's wrong with us..?? What's wrong with ME..??? gawds, I used to be hardworking, now that i think of it, and now im just letting people sweep past me. No farking way, man.

I see the way im lacking of improvement....and it just kills. That is, I feel like im not improving much. NO FARKING TIME, HAR HAR.

Anyways, i hope this bloody long post has made up for my long absence. I hope this explains it.

well, if you wanna succeed in life, i guess all you got in the end is yourself, huh. It's not worth it depending on others when they'll just let you down in the end.

It feels like I wanna cry, but nothing comes out. Maybe it's gotten this bad, i duno. I wanted to colour today, but as usual, there's no time for anything except work work work. If this is what the industry is like......well...gotta find some way to adapt to it.


YAAYY I love naruto shippuuden!! <3>

ojy | on Cloud 9 at 12:50 AM

Monday, January 22, 2007


I..I...I I I KNEW IT!!!!!!! Kanda is voiced by Sakurai Takahiro!!!!!!!! WTTFF~!!!!! *anti-climatic*

Heh, I'm a bit sloooowww but I KNEW i heard that voice from somewhere, and I KNEW i LOVED the voice actor from his role as a certain character. And I was bloody right, lol. Kanda = Cloud. OMG.

...WHICH MEANS. He's together with his lovable ZACK AGAIN xDDD wtf. Kenichi Suzumura = Zack = Hikaru = LAVI. TAKE THAT!! loolll im on a high.

hm, ok, so now I have some reason to like kanda xDD coincidentally, did you know, kanda and lavi (i mean, the seiyuu ppls) are known as the R-16 duo? LOL. I'm suddenly quite happy. Add that to my happy list for today =D

ojy | on Cloud 9 at 6:30 PM

I got meself a NINTENDO DS LITE, BAYYBEEE~~!!!!!!!!! <3

the only game ive got now is Pokemon Ranger (which ive always wanted anyways!!) but im awaiting the d.gray-man kami no shitotachi that's comin out on 15 march. In japan, that is. who knows if there's gonna be an english version =(

oh dammit, my DS needs a japanese electrical adaptor shimmmmaaattaaa. *dances around*

phew, im so glad i waited for the DS Lite to come out. The first DS was so big n black n bulky. yuck. The DS Lite is slimmer, with a brighter screen, and I chose a white colour xD..cos black just made it look like it was part of a motorcycle engine.

yaaay...*goes to round up more pokemon*

ojy | on Cloud 9 at 5:41 PM

Monday, January 15, 2007

2007 fuckin SUCKS.

I tell ya why, i duno why so many horrible things have been happening, how can the fuckers in newspapers and companies etc think that 2007 will be a good year? Hell to them all. They think they are fortune fuckin tellers or something..??!!

Yaaay, random outburst =D Heys, but seriously, first off is the flooding in m'sia. Yes, we all know that really sucks. It's pretty obvious duuh. Well, but the stuff that pisses me off the most is of personal relevance.....

....WHY THE FUCK is death note the anime LICENSED??!!

Ooo lala~ *calms down a bit, A BIT*...I mean, omfg. I've been literally dying to watch every episode since they announced that it would be premiered on my birthday. OMFG, it came out on my birthday, so did D.Gray-man and I was sooo happy. NOW, it's bloody licensed. UMM, MEANING, the company or whoever is in charge will probably go inform fansubbers to take off that anime from wherever they are posting it, cos it's OFFICIALLY ILLEGAL to post it on internet. YEAH.

Ok, so. I can't hear Raito's sexy Tamaki voice anymore...or listen to L go on and on in that sultry tone of his. WTF.

well, besides deathnote, I was too damn hesitant about the price or wadever and forfeited the chance of having that d.gray-man calendar =(

Strike TWO.

Strike three would be when VIZ decides to steal my D.Gray-man anime away too D=...Life is harsh.

If DGM is gone, I might as well migrate to Japan for real, lol. They don't even show those anime series here in s'pore. As in, on TV where it's UM, LEGAL. Will probably have to wait some 10 years before it reaches our shores rofl. I mean, hell, show it at night or something (not on MobTV, PLEASE, ANYTHING BUT MOBTV cos it SUCKS), so that nothing will get censored. BUT then again, s'pore censors EVERYTHING eh? When I watched PMK on arts central, they censored the flying blood LOL. I have to get off this island before I lose my mind.

The day D.Gray-man is licensed before the final episode, is when I go literally insane. You can just shoot me on sight, thank you.

ojy | on Cloud 9 at 11:42 PM

Sunday, January 14, 2007

D.Gray-man calendar was sold out at Kino =( I can't even describe how depressed I am. I was SO STUPID for not getting it that day, or going to get it earlier. so stupid so stupid so stupid. I'm worse than depressed. Over a $30+ calendar. Gonna check out sunshine plaza to see if they have it. But with my luck, I doubt so.

...the only thing I can comfort myself with is the release of a d.gray-man artbook. Then the calendar can be damned. I should ask my cousin in canada if they have the calendar...maybe he can get it for me then I will cry in joy and run around screaming insanity around the neighbourhood.

So far, I don't think there's a d.gray-man artbook, but really, Hoshino Katsura really should produce one. Come on, wtf, the calendar is out of print everywhere..the artbook should prove to be a success.

wells, I'll go sulk now. hopefully i will forget about my stupidity when feb comes.

I LOVE YOU ALLEN WALKER!!! I WILL buy you~!!! $30+ for a stupid calendar is NOTHING~!! ANYTHING for yoooou~!! xDDD

bye bye.

ojy | on Cloud 9 at 5:34 PM

Friday, January 12, 2007

Ah yes, i forgot to mention...the soundtrack for death note the anime is...SUPPAAAAAA xDD

yeah, i've heard L's Theme alot of times throughout the anime but it's still nice. And Light's Theme is really suiting...there's even this absolutely beautiful part where the music sounds a WEEEE BIT cheena and it's just...too beautiful xD lol...it's SO beautiful i really duno what else to say. leaves nothing to criticise. Or maybe I'm just a big deathnote fan =]

Death note's theme song sounds kinda freaky, but that's SO expected, loool. And yea, it's heard in the anime as well. I remembered it most in the first episode, cos it struck a cord, the animation & music went so well together it was crazy X_X

ahh okies, gotta go again, lol.

ojy | on Cloud 9 at 9:53 PM

Laaviiii~ you're so lovable and cheeky, lol, Hikaru had alot of influence on ya xDD

I just watched d.gray-man14 and omfg they ALREADY have a new ending song wtf and it looks SOOO GOOD~!!! xDD I love it. The song is just somewhat better than the first one and even thought I don't really listen to pop-ish stuff, it still sounds damn good. the illustrations in the ending inspire me alot for some reason. ESPECIALLY the last one with the stained glass, omfg what patience 0_0...

Ok jiaying stoppit stoppit. Etoo...but i think the animation for this episode kinda ticked me off in the beginning but it improved along the way, hahaa. The interactions between Lavi and Allen are too cute xD

gawds does Lavi look perverted or what...

...oooh boy, the writers must have been reading dgm yaoi or something when they decided to have Lavi say to Allen, "If we ended up in a situation where we needed it, we'd have to embrace each other to keep warm.".....(above pic) aww allen, you KNOW you want to, LOL.

omG you KNOW i had a kick out of that one xDDD

and Lavi is just sooo adorable~

wahaa, i think i really want that dgm calender now =P okies, gotta go~ a really short post, hee...

ojy | on Cloud 9 at 3:48 PM

remember the name

`3 October '88
`design student
`future 2d+3d animator XD
`anime/manga, skateboarding, violin
`tetsuya nomura, obata takeshi, hyung-tae kim, THORES *bows*
n(_ _)n

Current mood: worried
Current jam: silence
Thinking of: fyp

2006 i-want-these-now list

-saiyuki vol 6
-Sony Ericsson walkman phone
-fabrica theologiae trinity blood gashuu
-all Phoenix Wright games for DS
-Crisis core
-FF Dissidia

because i love you...

3 of US!!!
my deviantArt account

jasmine w.
jing jie
ya hui
jia yi

...and these too

skin THIS

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